Sunday, April 18, 2010

Big Boy Toys

Jack is your typical boy. He loves anything that's a machine or has wheels. He knows every type of construction, service or emergency vehicle. Cement mixers seem to be his favorite right now. If he sees one while we're driving he tells me to "Catch up to it". It's hilarious. So with his love of machines imagine his amazement when we visit Tom's parents and Tom's dad owns all of these big boy toys. Tom's dad is a contractor and owns his own business. He has a back hoe, a zero turn, a wood chipper, and a dump truck. Jack was a little leery of the loud noises when the machines were on, but while they were "sleeping" they were his new best friends. Thanks Umpa for showing Jack all the cool big boy toys.

(Before anyone gets freaked out....none of these things were turned on while Jack was on them! Safety first!!)


Ells said...

super fun, Niki! I love his big grins and can just imagine what a dream come true that was for him! Bet his Umpa is his biggest hero now! :)

Meagan said...

Ha ha! Ty is totally given the "whatcholookin at...dats right I am towing your car" look (not that I would know that look or anything).