Friday, February 26, 2010


Well the boys and I are currently in PA. We'll be here for a few weeks. My dad's having surgery and what better way to have him distracted and aid in his recovery than invade his space for 6 weeks with 2 small children?! At least I didn't bring the dogs with me this time. Hahahah!

We flew out of San Fran Tuesday night on a red eye. Tom wasn't able to fly with me so I thought an overnight flight would work. I was hoping the boys would sleep the whole way...too simple. What was I thinking? When we checked in there was a super nice lady working the Continental counter and gave Tom a security pass ("since he was military", she said) so he could go through the security check with me. YEAH!!! What a HUGE help that was! Plus he then got to hang out with us until we boarded. Jack loved that!

When we boarded, the boys fell asleep right after we leveled off from take off. About 45 mins into the flight Ty stirred a little....pooped....then it was game over! He was awake and crying to be changed...Jack woke up as soon as I moved, then every person around me woke up too because I was "that guy" with the crying kid. After Ty got a new set of drawers both boys were up for the day. (This was about midnight their time) Tom downloaded a whole season of Word World on my phone, so Jack was content for the rest of the flight. He didn't say a thing other than...."Watch one more" every time an episode ended. Ty on the other hand was out of control. He was awake and happy to be so. He does not like being held anymore. The kid is impossible to keep still. He was all over the place and happy chatty too. What can you do? The kid's not crying, he just doesn't have a volume control. (Oh how I wish kids came with a volume control!!!) So I wrestled him for 3 straight hours, and put up with a douche bag in front me banging his head off his seat every time Ty made a noise, and another wang across from him that asked the stewardess for ear plugs, only to be let down since they didn't have any, then he stuffed his ears with 2 big honkin' tissues. No lie!!! After I saw that I stopped caring and tried to find the humor in it all. I finally got Titus back to sleep and 20 seconds later the pilot announces that we're beginning our decent. Go figure!! I survived flying with 2 kids by myself, but will probably NEVER do it again! My mom's flying home with me in April! An extra set of hands will be needed!!! :-) I should have just shipped them home in this....


Beth said...

Sometimes I think about mailing my kids to the east coast in box as well. Not usually with the intention of meeting up with them though.

Have fun visiting with your family. Whatever will Tom do without you all? Hey, if he wants to pop up to AK for a weekend, we'll be happy to have him.