Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big Guy

Ty is a super squirmer! He's been almost impossible to hold lately. The kid just wants to be on the ground so he can go, go, go! It's a wrestling match to change him and feed him. The other day Tom just put him on the carpet and gave Ty his bottle and to our surprise, he did great with it. He held it by himself and barely rolled around. So that's now how Ty takes his bottles. All by himself, like a big guy! I was filming this new milestone and Jack added some entertainment too. I love how he thinks I can't see him if he closes his eyes and can't see me! Hahahah! If it were only that easy to be invisible!


Oma said...

Ty, you are growing up way too fast! How independent you are already!
Jack, thankyou for answering the phone and "knowing" that it was OMA that called. You made my day.
Can't wait to see you in 2 weeks!
Love you all! XOXOX

Aunt Ree Ree said...

Next time someone asks me to do something and I don't want to, I'm going to try to hide my face and see if it works. I LOVE 2 YEAR OLDS. They are the best. See you soon. Ty, you are so grown up already. Way to go big boy!