We went to the playground today for a picnic. It's funny because i plan these things on the worst days. We are now in a wind advisory. Its pretty hard to eat a sandwich with 45 mph wind gusts. I can't believe Bodie didn't blow away. :-) Anyway, the plan was after Jack's swim lesson we grabbed lunch and met Tom at the playground. Bodie got to ride in his first swing and loved it!!! Ty found a girlfriend, no surprise there, and Jack mastered the rock wall.
This crazy swing had a "for the ages of 5-12" on it. What 12 yr old is going to swing in this? Haha!

One happy Bodie! He was snorting and laughing. So funny!

Top of the mountain

Get in that tunnel!

Doesn't love grass, but the rubber was ok. :-)

This Ty smiling for the camera while we were at Jack's swim lesson. He just wouldn't let the lollipop go. :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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