Jack got Bolt the Big Puppy from Santa this year. They are best friends and Bolt takes many road trips with us. He always has to stay in the car, but enjoys the ride.
I guess with all the attention Ty's been getting with potty training, Jack decided Bolt was a big boy and got his own pair of big boy undies. This is how Bolt woke up from nap yesterday. The comedic highlight of my day and the main reason I had to post this picture is that what Jack told Tom and I last night while putting everyone to bed, Bolt included. Jack, very nonchalantly and out of no where, told us how he made Bolt anatomically correct by putting his tail between his legs. It took everything in me not to fall to floor in laughter. The random stuff he comes up with and just blurts out for no reason cracks me up and scares me for what future phone calls I will be receiving form his teachers. :-)

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