I'm starting to wonder if the messes find my boys or if they are just lucky enough to always find the mess. Jack and Ty found a teeny tiny mud puddle in the back yard the other night. This night was already a messy one since we had spaghetti for dinner. It was 80 degrees outside so we enjoyed our spaghetti dinner on the deck, a spaghetti picnic if you will. Bodie LOVED his dinner! He's getting pretty stubborn when it come to dinner time too. Not about the food he's eating just about how it's getting in his mouth. He would much rather feed himself! After a few times of us feeding him, his arms start flying and he's done. He wants to do it himself. This equals a mess, but it's working for him! Of course I don't help the mess when I give him a full sippy cup of milk and forget to put the valve in the lid. Ooopsie!! In that case the I helped the mess find him. :-)
Ty's Mud splatter from watching his feet while jumping in the puddle

Their clothes had their own little laundry load after this.

Double Forks!!

Pre mud puddle

Big mouthful of spaghetti hand

I wanted to cry over this.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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