This is a blog about our furry babies. Our dogs have huge personalities. Sadie spends most of her time on our bed or the guest bed, Lola prefers the couch and her dog bed at night. Lola joins us every time we read to the boys before bed. Sadie will do anything for her tennis ball, Lola's all about the food. They play and wrestle with each other just like the boys do. Sadie loves to go in and out all day long. Her favorite spot outside is on the welcome mat, basking in the sun, even if it's freezing. Lola has to be dragged outside and really just would rather stay on the couch. If she is outside you can see her removing the rocks from our landscaping and destroying Tom's pear tree. Lola's a snuggler, always laying on you as soon as you sit down, Sadie scampers off if you sit any where with in 3 ft of her. They both love giving Tom's hiding place away during hide and seek, Lola makes it her mission. Hahah! They are the beat cleanup crew after a meal with 3 messy boys. They're both amazing with the kids and we love them both so much!
Most of these are of Lola. She is the crazy one. :-)

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