Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Titus!!

Titus turned 2 today! I can't believe he's 2 years old already! I seriously have no idea where the last two years have gone. Time just seems to be flying by and I want everything to slow down! :-) Happy Birthday Titus!! You are total entertainment day in and day out! It's amazing how you've grown over the last year and I can't see what you get to accomplish next! WE LOVE YOU!!!!

He's obsessed with Elmo right now.

Make a wish!


Bodie wasn't having the hat.

Or 3 hats....

Jack was more than happy to help Ty with his cake!

Num Num!

Let me see your hands....

In deep conversation about cake and how to open presents. Hahah!

With NEVER seeing any Spider Man cartoons or movies, he really loves Spider Man!


Oma & Pop Pop said...

Happy Birthday Ty!!!!! Oma and Pop Pop so wanted to be with you to enjoy your celebration. We will enjoy some cake and ice cream when we visit in 3 weeks. Save a party hat for us.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY may you have many many more. your cake looked delicious. Maybe you could save a piece for your great grandmother..I like cake too. Hope you had a beautiful day too ours was just perfect. love great grannny and pappy too.

Beth said...

Happy Birthday TY!!

LOVE the hats. Ty, you are one of the few people in this world who can rock TWO party hats at once and still look cool. :)

Also, my boys LOVE Spider-man (and pretty much ALL super heroes) and have never seen a cartoon or movie of any of them. Boys, go figure.

Aunt Ree Ree said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY!! We miss and love you and wish we could have been there too. It won't be long before Bodie joins in the fun also. Niki, what a great job on the cake. You are amazing. Three under age 4 and you STILL have time to make a great birthday cake. They are three lucky, lucky boys. We love and miss you guys. Can't wait for the summer visit.

Sara said...

Happy Belated Birthday Ty!
Where DID the last two years go?!

Niki your boys are SO cute!