A few weekends ago we went to a little carnival in town. It was pretty small and not too crowded which was nice. It was also one of those carnivals where you don't get on the big rides, all the games are a rip but it was something to do that got us out of the house and they had funnel cakes. Hahhahaah! It felt good to get out of the house and the boys had a great time going on all the kiddie rides. Jack had a little break down when we couldn't win him the gigantic stuffed snake at the ring toss game, but we took the experience as a life lesson. Hhahahaah! Bodie had fun in his stroller and Ty loved going down the slide on the burlap sack and throwing rings at the bottles (he helped us not win the big stuffed snake) But I think the highlight for Jack and Ty was their first candy apples! Yummm!

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