Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This weekend my Mom and 2 Aunts came to visit us in "New-Tucky". Before I can get into the amazing time we had and all the fun details, I have to share a story about Jack.

Jack has been completely potty trained since before Christmas. He hasn't had an accident in months but for some reason we totally regressed this past week. He woke up from 2 naps wet and then had a pooptastrophe on Monday. Let me just say I hate poop!! I know that out of all of my fellow moms out there no one likes poop, but I'm just saying!

On Sunday we built a fort in Jack's room and we let him sleep in it for his nap. When he woke up from his nap he trotted downstairs as always and I noticed that he was wearing different pants. I asked him why he changed and he was reluctant to tell me. Of course I knew....wet again. Bummer! We go back up stairs to his room when the stank hit me like a slap in the face. Of course this odor was blamed on Ty but it originated from Jack. (nice try Jack!) I asked Jack to tell me what happened and he said he had an accident and that he changed himself! This little monkey pooped and tried to hide it all by changing and cleaning himself up. This is where the story gets nasty.......Of course he didn't want to get in trouble, or was embarrassed, so he just took his dirty, soaking, stinky clothes and just put it them in his hamper like nothing of it......poop ball included! EEEWWWWWW! Half of me was impressed that he tried to clean up everything himself, the other half was gagging! So my mom took Jack to get his bath while I cleaned the hamper, carpet, blankets from the fort, and everything else that could possibly have come in contact with the unwanted surprise in the hamper!!

After having a long talk and going over why we go in the potty and how if he does have an accident, it's OK because..."accidents happen" but you still have to tell Mommy so she can clean it up, we moved on with our day.

(I believe this regression stems from me being hard on him for coming out of his room a million times and fighting the thought of having to nap. He's very creative with his stalling, drinks of water, chapstick, the crazy quetions, "Is it going to be a long nap or short nap?", "How long? 2 Hours?"....on and on and on. So after really scolding him for a good week about NOT coming out of his room and staying in his bed and going to sleep I think I had him thinking he wasn't even allowed to come out to use the bathroom. Oy Vey!!! So lesson learned by me.....)

So after an afternoon of playing and heading out to dinner with my family we come home and get the kids ready for bed. When we go upstairs there's still a pretty raunchy stink coming from the boy's room. (They're now sharing the bonus room in prep for the baby coming) so......we scour the room again. We didn't find anything but the smell is still there. I'm left to assume that the smell is just embedded into the carpet by the hamper so since it was late we put the boys down and I promised that I'd shampoo their carpet the next day. The next day was Tuesday, we woke up, got ready, could still smell the stank and took my family to the airport. When the boys and I got back it was late and time for nap, so being the horrible mother that I am I put them back to sleep in that stinky room until our schedule opened up for a good carpet shampooing. When the boys woke from their naps I went on inspector duty. I got down on my hands and knees, which isn't so easy being 30 weeks preggers, and pretty much sniffed every square inch of their carpet trying to find the spot that was radiating the stink. I looked for little turd nuggets under their dressers, in their toy boxes....EVERYWHERE. I had no luck finding anything but I could still smell the smell. YUCK! So I sit Jack down and have him give me the play by play of what went down with the pooptastrophe. I needed locations of where the deed was done, where he was when he changed and I really needed to know where IT hit the ground when he was getting changed and everything he touched in between. He was very proud to tell me that it never fell out of his skivvies but he tried to clean it up with baby wipes. Hhhhhhmmmmm.....interesting.......I never found any wipes. Oh My God!! Where are these said wipes??? So he told me "Up there", pointing to the top of his 5 drawer chest that's 5 feet tall. I stand up, look and there are 2 little wipes laying neatly on the top of the dresser. With fear in my eyes I move the wipe and there it is.......a big ol' nasty turd ball staring me in the face, laughing at me that I NEVER looked UP in my search for the cause of the lingering stench. did my 3 year old put THAT way up there?? Well, He climbed up on the foot board of his bed, leaned over and placed it there proudly thinking he was being a big guy and cleaning up his own mess. I was relieved to find the cause of the smell without having to burn down that part of our house. And I was mortified that I was such a bad mother to NOT have found the lone turd that was pretty much "right under my nose", that I had left both of my children sleep in their room in the company of the lone turd over night and again for a nap the next day, and that the whole situation was just soooooooo gross! I can laugh about it now because it's just so ridiculous and of course, my Mom and Aunts were here to witness our pooptastrophe. This will definitely be one of the things that Jack will not be allowed to forget when he gets older!!! Hahahah! Oh My Goodness!

Everything is now cleaned and sterilized in the boys room and the stink is NO MORE!! YEAH! We've been having many conversations about how it's OK for him to come out of his room if he needs to use the potty, etc. We may have back tracked a little but we're working on it! So here's to hoping that there are no more pooptastrophes for us......ever, ever, EVER!!!!!


Aunt Ree Ree said...

Oh the things they do as kids....that you will NEVER let them forget as adults!!! aka "Maria had to give Lisa her underwear when Lisa peed her pants in 4th grade!" ooopppsss...sorry, did I actually type that out loud???? so glad to have been part of 'history'! Miss you guys lots.

Ells said...

Niki, that is HILARIOUS!! Awful to clean up, but a great story for the trouble you went through!

Ells said...

darn - I have two Google accounds - "Accompanied" is me, too

Meagan said...

Speechless....absolutely speechless. I worry that I am such a bad Mommy I would have just gathered up some toys, threw a match on the house and walked away into a new poop free life (with my little one of course).