Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I had an ultrasound today for a gender check on the baby. I had an anatomical ultrasound right before Christmas but the tech was SUPER weird and rude about telling us the sex of the baby (long story). So the Army hospital that we're going to on post has an OBGYN ultrasound department separate from the ultrasound in the radiology department so.....they do gender check appointments where the whole family can attend. We wanted the kids to be a part of it so we all got to go to the appointment and the boys got to see the baby, AKA: "Pickles" (name given by Jack.)
So, anyway......."Pickles" is a BOY! Apparently McMurtrie's can only make boys. We are the 3rd generation who has 3 kids, all boys. Tom's dad was 1 of 3 boys, Tom was 1 of 3 boys, and now we will soon have 3 boys as well. I think that's pretty cool. It would have been fun to mix it up and have a girl, but I'm actually pretty psyched that we're having another boy. I know what to expect, have all the boy themed things and hopefully the teen years won't be as bad as I predict they'd be with a daughter. Hahahahah! (knocking on wood, crossing fingers, hoping I didn't just jinx myself by saying that!!!!!!)
I'm 25 weeks along already. It seems to be going pretty fast. Tom's been able to feel him move for a a few weeks now, which I LOVE! Pickles is a healthy mover, this kid is all over the place, very active!! He kept moving during the ultrasound and even threw an arm up like he was waving at us. Jack saw it and actually waved back. It was such a sweet moment!! :-) Here are the latest pictures of Pickles.....

Here's the wave!

The side shot

The non-censored pic. :-)


Beth said...

Pickles' pickle. **snicker**