Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ants and Cooties

Today turned into a game day for the boys. Ty and Jack got Ants in the Pants and Cooties for Christmas and we played them a lot today. The best part was that Ty was actually playing Ants in the Pants and flinging the little ants like a big guy. He got a huge kick out of watching those things fly. Cooties was a blast too. Jack was very proud of his "Crazy bug". It brought back memories of me playing that game at my Gram's house when I was younger. Jack does pretty well with board games. He's such an honest kid....if he cheats, he tells you before you can bust him. HAHAHAHA!
I look forward to many more game days!!!


Aunt Ree Ree said...

Is that a FIREMEN getting ants shot into his pants? How cool. I know someone who might just want that game!!! Just a few more weeks before we'll be playin too!!!! Can't wait.