Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The boy can hear!!!

Jack had surgery for ear tubes on Tuesday. He did so great! We had to be at the surgery center for 7am and we were home by 8:30. The staff was amazing and that really calmed my nerves. This was the first time Jack went under anesthesia. Tom and I were nervous. The cool thing is that they used the happy gas. He didn't have to have any IVs or tubes. We sat with him in the recovery room and got him ready, he had a little hospital gown and let the nurse hook him up to the monitor. He was able to take his monkey and blanket and the nurse whisked him away so quickly, just to make it easier. Tom and I waited out in the waiting room and in 10 minutes we were back in the recovery room holding Jack. He had an interesting time waking up, all groggy and clumsy but when he came around he was back to his normal self. The doctor said everything went really well. He also told us that Jack's left ear had so much fluid (which the Dr. described as thick as wallpaper paste) that he had NO hearing in that ear. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to go back to his pediatrician and give her the guilt trip for giving me such a hard time about going to an ENT. ARG!!!,, but anyway, Jack's ears are fixed and hopefully the ear infections will come to an end! I'm just glad that the boy can hear again. He's totally himself and acting as though he never even had the surgery. Although, putting in his ear drops are brutal. He's back to school tomorrow which means I'm back to work....
I'm not excited about that at all. There's been a lot of drama at my office. My supervisor, the chief of child and youth services, is being forced out of his position. Since I'm not returning after I have the baby he's taking my position and the school age director is taking his position. Things can be very interesting when you mix up the ranks in a small office. I'm glad I'm leaving!! The drama and the rumors are flying and I'm ready to get out of there. I promised to work up until I popped but I'm thinking that Friday will be my last day. This will let me have a week or so off before the baby gets here and chaos ensues. I'm really due for a good nap! :-) Since the position changes are effective tomorrow I guess I'll have to run the idea through my new boss. I think the woman taking over will do a great job, there are definitely a lot of issues there and the programs could all use the new perspective. I really wish her the best and I hope that my old boss will really take care of my FCC providers. I've taken a lot of pride in the program and making it better. The providers here are amazing and they deserve a good director.
I'll be leaving you with a few picture of Lola's favorite place to lay. (Who thought Jack would have competition from a puppy for Elmo.) And a few pics of what I got when I asked Jack to smile and say "cheese" :-) The kid's a whacko!


Oma said...

Lola loves ELMO! Jack loves ELMO! How cute is that! Now will Baby Boy #2 do the same?

Ells said...

Look at how perfectly Lola fits in Elmo!!! That's so funny! And I love Jack's giant open mouth smile. :) Quite the ham. It's so great that he can hear out of both ears now, and that he has such a good mommy looking out for him! Hope you get to have your week off before baby 2 comes!!

Meagan said...

Yeah for hearing and yeah for mommies who insist on getting the care they know is needed! I will be sure to call you if I ever need to battle the military health care system in the future.
Now it is time to pack up your desk and head home to get ready for your new little baby. I think you have put in 110% effort and should leave your job knowing that you did a great job!