Monday, August 4, 2008

Random Weekend Adventures

We had a great weekend here at the McMurtrie house. It was a pretty random- on a whim - kinda weekend but it was fun! It made me remember that there are these little moments that are so amazing for us and Jack. Little things that get over looked sometimes because life just gets too busy. You all know what I mean, those tiny things that make you go ..."Aaahhhh". Like when Jack's up on Tom's shoulders and he's holding on to his ears. Or when he's getting tired and you get to cuddle with him or that out of the blue kiss or my favorite: when Tom sticks out his finger and points at Jack, he leans in and bumps his nose off of Tom's finger so Tom can go "beep". Hahahahah! I love that!. They're my make my heart melt moments. I had a few of those this weekend. It's what makes being a mom soooo much fun!
My favorite little thing we did this weekend was take Jack to the playground. There are great parks all over the place out here. We went to a park that hosts a blues band every Sunday. (We have yet to go but it gets packed!!!) There's a lake with ducks and geese and 2 really cool playgrounds. Jack had his first experience in a swing.

He had no idea what was going on. At first he loved it, but that didn't last too long. He did get back in the swing for another go at it but with the same results. His favorite thing was the wheel on the wall. Oh yeah, we really liked the sliding board but we LOVED the wheel.

For about 10 straight minutes we spun the wheel and made motor sounds. The same sounds he makes when he sees his dad's motorcycle. I'm such a proud mom! :-) hhahahah. We had a great time.

We also went to a Strawberry Festival. This was not the highlight of our weekend. I was so excited to go, I have a thing for fests. It must be from living in Germany so long. There was all this advertising and hype about the Watsonville Strawberry Festival. So I convinced my reluctant husband to go. We get there and after paying $5.00 each we have to be escorted through a metal detector. That should have been a clear indicator. After getting frisked by a rent-a-cop we see a sign for "NO GANG COLORS". Of course I'm wearing a bright red shirt. Tom got a kick out of that. So we make our way into the fest only to see 2, that's right....2 tents with strawberry stuff. That's it?? That's it. It was really expensive and all the live music was in Spanish. After we fed Jack a slice of pizza and browsed through the 30 knock off purses and wallets stands we left there. When we got back on our shuttle to the parking area we heard at least 4 people complaining about how bad the fest was. At least it wasn't us. Although I did get a big "I told you so" from Tom. Oh we know. No more strawberry festivals.
Jack fell asleep in the car on the way home (it was about a 30 minute drive) We figured we'd let him sleep a little longer so we drove around downtown Monterey to see what we haven't had the time to check out yet. We just happened to find a tattoo place. Oh yeah....I got a tattoo. I've been wanting another one for awhile now. Jack is finally done breastfeeding and I had one all planned out so that's how we finished off the weekend. I got Jack's birthday in roman numerals on the inside of my left wrist. I guess it's can never just get one tattoo.

So this weekend involved a playground, a strawberry fest and a tattoo with lots of little "Aaahhhh" moments. Lovin' my little family!