We had a pretty eventful week last week. We spent one night with the extended family on my side for a little birthday get together. Family events are always crazy, my mom's family is huge and they're all nuts. It's so much fun hanging out with all of our Aunts and Uncles, grandparents (great grandparents to Jack), and cousins. Jack loves all them because they have soooo much energy and keep him very entertained! Hahaha!!
Jack also had his first play date with my friend Paula's little girl, Emma. They had such a great time together. Emma is such a cutie and Jack just loved hanging out with her. They played and Jack watched her every move and followed her around. We found out they both have a strange love for their blow up rubber ducky bath tubs. It's not just a bath tub, it's a toy too. :-) It was a great time. It counted as a play date for me as well. Paula and I were great friends in school and we both moved back home around the same time. It was great to catch up, compare stories (her husband also went to West Point and just got out of the Army) and just have adult interaction. Good times!!! :-)
On Saturday we went to our local Harley Davidson dealer for their annual Muscular Dystrophy fundraising event. It was a lot of fun. Jack got to check out all the motorcycles which he LOVED!! Tom is so proud. :-) My dad walked him around the sea of parked motorcycles and Jack couldn't take his eyes off of them. There's also nothing like the sound a motorcycle starting up. They had a mechanical bull there which cracked him up when the people got tossed. Hahah It was hilarious. They raised a ton of money for a great cause and we had a great time with Oma and Pop Pop. Of course the main entertainment for us was watching each other trying to hold Jack. He's a total wiggle worm and no longer likes staying still. Go figure! He's all over the place climbing up who ever's holding him like they're a tree. It's pretty funny watching people juggle him. Hahhah
There were a few things Jack learned this week. I walked into his room the other day and he was STANDING holding on to the crib bars laughing hysterically at the fact that he was on his feet bouncing and screeching like a little girl. Hahahah. He is also pulling himself up on everything! We kind of shimmy along the couch, not really walking but definitely moving. 3 days ago I was watching him play in the living room with this musical toy chair thing positioned up against the couch. He managed to climb up on this chair toy, using it like a step stool and sat himself up on the couch. I seriously couldn't believe he got his little tushie up there. He climbed up, turned himself around and sat like a big kid, unreal! And my FAVORITE new thing that he's doing......giving kisses!! It's the sweetest and nastiest kiss I've ever had in my life but it's a kiss none the less. He's been giving kisses to his grandparent's and last night Tom finally got a few of his own. He's the sweetest kid, I swear!!
Well, we're hanging out in Va trying to figure out where to venture to this weekend....Williamsburg?? Richmond?? D.C??? Who knows...where ever we end up it's going to be fun!
As I Wish
2 years ago
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