Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jack and his 2 best friends

We have completely taken over my parent's house. Who in their right mind would let their adult daughter move BACK into their house with an 8 month old and a huge, very hairy, golden retriever?? Hahaha. My parent's have a puppers of their own as well. She's a German Shepard named Taja. She loves Jack dearly. When we go for walks Taja walks right next to the stroller and protects Jack from cars. It's so hilarious. Sadie still isn't in love with Jack just yet. The more food he drops on the floor or licks he lets her have of his sippy cup, the closer she's getting to loving him. She still bolts ever time he crawls her way.

I had to post this video from a few weeks ago. Out of all the toys Jack has he always goes for the dog toys. Taja, of course plays with him and Sadie's just the big bully who always breaks up the party. When we get to California we have to get a 2nd dog. It's just too much fun with 2 dogs.


Beth said...

Those videos are too much! So is that Jack. Man, can he get any cuter?!?

It's funny you left the comment you did because last night (I read it this morning) I was crocheting while watching some TV and I thought of you and how much I wished you were still here so we could knit and Deacon and Jack could play.

Some day. Some day. :)

Sara said...

Oh, Oh! I want in on the knitting/crochet action. Lily can't play yet, but she's still kind of cute.

Funny you should mention moving BACK into your parents house. My parents took me back six months pregnant... and I was married three times. Oh... well... three times to the same man. ;)