Tom was home for Memorial Day weekend. We had a really great time! You can tell Jack misses his Dad!! We all miss him, Sadie too! We hung out with his parents on Saturday for a clam cookout. His dad has this great set up for cooking clams and we missed those living in Germany. The weather was amazing so we even brought Sadie along so she could play with her doggie aunt and uncle. We played outside, had fun blowing bubbles and battled an attack of aggressive caterpillars. Our county refuses to spray and they're every where. Anyway on Sunday we ventured to my Aunt Lisa's house. They have a really nice pool so we got to swim a little (it was freezing, but we got in!!) and enjoyed another day of great weather and Jack got to ride around in style (Thanks Katie!!).
The weekend of course went way too fast and Tom had to go back to Va.
We're trying to get organized for the move to Ca. We only have 1 month left in Pa before we become West-coasters. It's been so great spending time with all of our family, but we're anxious to get to Ca and see what's next for us. I'm trying to set up our housing. What a headache!!! I guess the Navy isn't any better than the Army when it comes to being efficient with helping new families. We're still looking on the economy for a rental house but you know how that goes. The housing at NPS is in the process of being renovated so out of all the houses only 25% are brand new. So what the housing office is doing is allowing people to pre-lease the older town homes before we get there. We decided to go ahead and pre-lease a town house just to have something set up once we get out there. They sent us pictures and the homes really aren't that bad. We just send in a small deposit and some paperwork and whaaa-llaaaa, the house is ours. I've been dealing with this one guy for a month now and for some reason he's dropped off the planet. He set up our profile and sent us pictures of different places, we picked a floor plan that we want and I haven't been able to contact this bozo for 2 weeks now. How does this even happen? I e-mailed this guy on the 19th with the house we chose and still haven't heard back from him. The next step would be for him to go out and take pictures of the exact house that we'll be leasing, send us pictures, then we send him our deposit and agreement stuff. I've called the office a bunch of times and no one will help me because I've already been dealing with someone who is obviously the biggest slacker. so they keep taking my info and message and promise to pass it on. So I'm giving him until today until I call out there and try to start this frustrating process over again with another agent. Seriously....How hard can it be just to shoot back an e-mail?? I'm getting stressed and not enjoying it at all!! If this office can't keep up, why even offer pre-leasing? I just want to have everything taken care of, as best we can so this move is a smooth one. I'm beginning to think it's not possible. There always seems to be something stupid! So wish me luck! Or even better, wish this loser luck because he's about to catch an earful from one pissed off Army wife! :-)
I get to hang out with my family for another fun-filled event this weekend....a garage sale! Oh yeah! My mom usually hosts one a year and my aunts and Gram bring all their stuff to sell as well. These things are hilarious to me. My mom is willing to sell anything and everything. Who is going to buy a half burned candle? A broken angle figurine? Or some of the ugliest clothes from the 70s? Sadly....some one. Hahhaah. All of my little cousins go around and pick out our old toys and tacky jewelery. It basically just turns into us swapping junk with each other at the end of it all. Preparing for this has let me go through all of the crap that my mom's been storing for me at her house all these years. Tom and I will be married 5 years in July and I still have wedding presents here. Things that never made the trip to Germany. Hopefully I'll be able to make some coin because there is A LOT of stuff to get rid of. Whatever doesn't sell is getting donated to the Salvation Army. I have a huge stereo system with speakers that barely fit through the door. Remember when people used these? I'm hoping that there's someone out there that doesn't have an iPod that's in serious need of a stereo. I guess we'll see! It should be fun though!
Well, wish me luck on my adventures for this week! Hope every one's doing great!
As I Wish
2 years ago
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