We check on the boys every night. Mainly so we know they're snug in their beds, covered up and all cozy. Some nights are pretty entertaining. Ty can sleep in a ton of positions that would send most people to the chiropractor the next day. Jack talks in his sleep and has been caught sleeping sitting up. Hahaha! And Bo has now joined his brothers with wacky sleep habits. This is how we found him last night........

Yep....that's right. He channeled Al Bundy. He managed to get his jammies unzipped and half off. I guess this then made him cold so why not shove a hand down your pants, or in his case a diaper. Hahahahahah!!! Thank goodness it was a clean one! :)
Well, he would only be Al Bundy if his hand was down the FRONT of his diaper. Not sure who or what he is with his hand down the back. Poor kid is gonna KILL you one day for these photos!!! I say..."Whatever keeps you comfy kid!"
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