Bodie will be 7 weeks old on Friday. He doesn't feel that old to me. My days seem to be flying by. He's such a great baby! Tom and I have been very blessed with our kiddos. They're great eaters and sleepers. Sleep is so important!! Hahah! Jack slept through the night at 6 weeks, Ty was at 8 weeks and Bodie wins with starting to sleep through the night at 5 weeks! I feel like he's been consistent enough that I can talk about it out loud without jinxing it! (but I'm still going to knock on wood!) Bodie goes to bed around 10 or 10:30 and will usually wake up between 6-7am. I really don't know how we got so lucky! His day time schedule is pretty great too. He's usually up for about an hour and half and is napping for 3-4 hours in between.
Bo's also starting to get a little personality too. He has an amazing smile! Of course I haven't been able to capture his big smiles on camera yet, but I did get a few little ones. His feet and shoulders are ticklish. He LOVES bath time and staring at himself in the mirror. He always calms right down when Tom holds him and seems to really like being outside. Like every newborn, he knows exactly when I'm about to eat dinner because he wakes up screaming. hahahah! He definitely wants to be fed ASAP when he wakes up and his angry cry is pretty scary. And just like Jack...he loves the swing!
Bo is a great baby! He's let me feel like a human again pretty quickly. I've been fortunate too because I didn't have any postpartum blues with him. I had them with Ty and Jack. I didn't realize that it could be possible to not feel all crazy and sad after having a baby. I thought it was how you were supposed to feel after giving birth and letting your hormones balance out. But I never had the down moments after Bodie. It's been really great not having anxiety attacks and crying to Tom every night for weeks. I'm not quite sure how he put up with me after we had the first 2 boys. He is such an amazing husband and Dad!! Tom-I love you and thank you for everything you do and put up with around here! :-)
Jack and Bo (Ty was napping)
A little smile
His common serious face. :-)
And since Ty wasn't available for the new Bodie pictures here's 2 videos of Ty holding Bodie the other day. The first one is just Ty being entertaining. We've been trying to get him to roll his tongue. When we asked him to stick out his tongue he just keeps his lips closed and hums, like his tongue was really sticking out. Of course when I'm videoing him he does it right. Hahah! Then the 2nd video is of how he wouldn't give Bodie back to me without putting up a fight. He had a bear hug of a hold on him too. Hahah!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
7 weeks....almost
Posted by Niki at 6:24 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 13, 2011
Gone fishing...
Tom and I took the boys fishing for the first time yesterday. We met one of Tom's co-workers at a little lake in E-town. I haven't been fishing in over 20 years and I believe the same goes for Tom. We had such a great time.
The super hot weather broke here over the weekend so it was a cool 80 degrees and overcast which was nice. Ty wasn't into fishing so much but throwing rocks into the spill way was all he needed. Jack fished for awhile and actually caught a blue gill. His attention span didn't last too long. He'd cast his line, then go help Ty throw rocks then when something bit, he'd come running back to reel it in. His little Transformers fishing rod did pretty well. I think Jack's favorite thing was making friends with the worms. Hahahah! He would dig a worm out of the container, play with him for a little bit then give him a new home in the cup holder of the folding chair. One time I looked and there were 4 worms in the cup holder. I was actually really surprised that he was all over the worms like he was. Ty's more fearless than Jack, but not when it came to the worms or even the fish. Jack touched all the fish we caught and even threw back a few of the blue gills. I was pretty proud of him. He does have a huge interest in all kinds of animals and bugs. He had a great time! Ty loved helping me reel in the line but would take off when we'd catch a fish. He wouldn't hold a worm either but did spend about 20 minutes chasing and picking up ants. Of course he was as gentle as a 2 year old could be so my apologies to that ant colony. :-) Tom started out a little rough with his first cast going straight into a tree and having to break his line free. hahahaha! He did redeem himself though. First off, he surprised me with baiting his own hook. If anyone knows Tom....he doesn't do well with needles. I don't think he could let his boys see their mom hook a worm and not their dad. Hahahah! So this was a pretty big deal. Of course he was also the lucky fisherman of the day with the biggest catch. He caught a large mouth bass that was around 18 inches long. I caught a large mouth as well but it jumped off my line as I was about to pull it onto the dock. Bummer! Those were the only bass we saw, everything else we caught were little blue gills. We threw everything back but I think Tom would have mounted that bass he caught if we kept him. :-)
We had such a great day! I can't wait for all of us to go fishing again!
Bodie letting me know he wanted to fish too.
Prepping the rods
Throwing rocks
Ty picking up ants
Hooking the worm
Jack's first cast.
Ty helping me reel
Ty's alter ego...Elton John having a snack.
The first catch....and Ty's snack all over his sweet little face.
I love Jack's face in this picture!!
His friend Wormie #1.
Tom's big catch. Can you tell how excited he was??
Jack's big catch.
I think they were recapping the day's events.
Posted by Niki at 12:17 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 12, 2011
A few weekends ago we went to a little carnival in town. It was pretty small and not too crowded which was nice. It was also one of those carnivals where you don't get on the big rides, all the games are a rip but it was something to do that got us out of the house and they had funnel cakes. Hahhahaah! It felt good to get out of the house and the boys had a great time going on all the kiddie rides. Jack had a little break down when we couldn't win him the gigantic stuffed snake at the ring toss game, but we took the experience as a life lesson. Hhahahaah! Bodie had fun in his stroller and Ty loved going down the slide on the burlap sack and throwing rings at the bottles (he helped us not win the big stuffed snake) But I think the highlight for Jack and Ty was their first candy apples! Yummm!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by Niki at 5:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Happy Birthday Titus!!
Titus turned 2 today! I can't believe he's 2 years old already! I seriously have no idea where the last two years have gone. Time just seems to be flying by and I want everything to slow down! :-) Happy Birthday Titus!! You are total entertainment day in and day out! It's amazing how you've grown over the last year and I can't see what you get to accomplish next! WE LOVE YOU!!!!
He's obsessed with Elmo right now.
Make a wish!
Bodie wasn't having the hat.
Or 3 hats....
Jack was more than happy to help Ty with his cake!
Num Num!
Let me see your hands....
In deep conversation about cake and how to open presents. Hahah!
With NEVER seeing any Spider Man cartoons or movies, he really loves Spider Man!
Posted by Niki at 6:30 PM 5 comments