Bodie is getting so close to crawling. He is one determined little man! He'll squirm and scoot for any type of matchbox. He's a little partial to the helicopter. :-)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The scoot
Posted by Niki at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 9, 2011
Computer crash and the Latest
It's been a while since I've blogged. I've been anti-computer. Mainly because I'm pretty sure electronics HATE me. While I was on the computer last week, doing some very serious work on Pinterest, the computer went bazerk! Apparently we got a virus, which the anti-virus picked up but not before the hard drive got wiped out. :-( So after many hours of labor, Tom got the computer back in working order, almost like brand new....with nothing saved on it. So now that we're becoming friends again, I'll get back to blogging.
Can anyone believe that Christmas is 2 weeks away?? Ummm....wasn't it just August? I'm not one that usually gets stressed around the holidays. I usually eat every bit of the holidays up annoying everyone around me. However, this year, it snuck up on me and I'm feeling a little stressed. There's nothing worse than heading to bed, so tired and ready to sleep to only have your head hit the pillow and your mind run crazy with those to-do lists. Even though there's a ton of things going on and things yet to do, we have gotten a few things done.....
We decorated the inside and outside of the house. Our good, old, fake tree is up and looking as good as it can. :-) The boys loved decorating. You can tell they helped since most of the ornaments are on the same branches towards the bottom. It was a good look, so we kept it! :-) We made bouncy balls, which turned out more like flubber, but anything that makes a mess is a big hit in this house. We had Tom's brother Bruce visit for a few days. We got to hang out with him and take him on the Maker's Mark bourbon tour and through the Louisville Slugger museum. We've also had Spider Man, Peter Parker and the naked cowboy (ya know, the NYC, Times Square guy) make guest appearances here in the Murtie house. Jack's imagination is running wild and I love it! When he wears the Spider Man mask, we have to address him as Spider Man, when the mask is off, he reminds us that he's Peter Parker. Then to explain the naked cowboy, I have this to say.... For 3 weeks Jack's worn nothing but his skibbies around the house. (we did feel victorious when he wore clothes while Bruce was here, but that ended as soon as we walked in the door from dropping Bruce off at the airport) So one day Jack asked to see my cowboy hat, found a vest from a pirate costume, put on his snow boots and added a stuffed animal snake as his "rope" to finish out his cowboy costume, no other clothing but the skibbies. (I can't post a picture of this, but it was pretty darn creative!) Bodie's taken up the art of raspberries, spitting everywhere, and he's trying to crawl. It's not a graceful attempt, but it's getting there. He hates being held right now and wants nothing more than to be able to roll and wiggle around. Feeding him has become a wrestling match. hahahah! We also upgraded his exersaucer to the one where he gets to walk around the play center. Putting that out today was like Christmas came early. It's funny what entertains the boys. Well, that's a quick summary of some of the things that have been going on here. Now to get a move on and tackle my ever growing list of to-dos.
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Spider Man prepping for making bouncy balls |
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The purple bouncy ball |
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Watching the bottling process at Maker's Mark |
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Batting practice |
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Batter up! |
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Outside the Slugger museum in front of the giant bat |
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Right there, on the street, in front of a history museum, there were 2 cannons. Score! |
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Bodie's crawling/mountain climbers/Mogley move |
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Best toy revisited |
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by Niki at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Mini Volcanoes
The internet is an amazing thing! Especially when it's raining outside and I'm out of kid activity ideas and the boys are sick of play dough! The other day I saw something I thought would be a huge volcanoes! The boys had so much fun! I took a cookie sheet, dumped out a box of baking soda, then gave the boys vinegar with their choice of food coloring and a medicine dropper, and volcanoes! It entertained them long enough for me to feed Bodie AND make dinner! And with baking soda at a whopping $0.60/box, the supplies for this activity will be well stocked from now on! :-)
Bodie's started making squishy faces! Hahaha! I was laughing too hard to get his first squishy face....I'll have my camera ready next time!
Posted by Niki at 4:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 18, 2011
Bodie Fun Facts
Bodie had his 6 month well baby exam this week. He was great at the appointment as well as his big brothers that got dragged along. :-) Bodie checks in at 19 lbs. 6 oz. and 29 1/2 inches long. That put him in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. He's right on track with all the other stuff too! :-)
After the appointment we made our way to the dreaded immunization clinic. I loathe this place! This time wasn't the worst though, we only waited about 30 mins and the nurse we had was actually really nice. (not the experiences we've had in the past) After Bodie got his shots, including his flu shot, it was the big boys' turn. They needed their flu shots too. I was so thrilled to hear that they do the mist for 2 year olds and older. This was a huge relief since I had anxiety about it all morning. Jack is fully aware of how shots feel. When we were talking about possibly having to get a shot I asked him if he'd be brave like he was the last time he got a shot and he told me, very matter-a-factly....."NO!!", with a look on his face like, "Mom, you must be smoking something if you think I'm letting them stab me with that dagger of a needle!". Hahahah! Once he made sure there were no needles involved, Jack went first with the nasal mist and did great. And since Ty will do anything Jack does, he did great too! So now everyone's up to date on shots and now we're feeling the after math. On top of the regular side effects of the shots and nasal mist, Ty's cutting his 2 year old molars. He's been pretty bad about eating lately and all day yesterday he was drooling like a bulldog! Hahahah! He has one molar that finally broke through but I'm sure the others aren't far behind.
And for Bodie's 6 month highlights......his favorite thing right now is rolling every where. It's now pointless to put a blanket down for him to lay on. He's 8 ft away from it in 3 seconds. :-) He's also been fake coughing for a few weeks now. It's so funny. He'll cough and then wait for your reaction, then once you notice, he'll cough again and again, and again. He's also starting to rock the Mmmm sound! Since Tom and I are one for one with the kids saying Mom and Dad first, I may come out the winner with Bodie! :-) Of course me trying to get him to say mama all day long is an unfair advantage, but that's neither here nor there! :-) Bodie's also been enjoying some fruits and veggies. His favorite veggie seems to be carrots and for fruit, it's definitely the bananas. Who doesn't love those baby bananas?? Bodie is such a great baby! He's so happy, loves talking and is amazed when watching his brothers and the dogs. They crack him up! He is so much fun and I can't wait to see what he does next! :-)
(I have no idea why my pictures are all glitchy!! grrrr!)
Posted by Niki at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I take way too many pictures with my phone, then I forget about them. These are my favorites of all of those random pictures. :-) (Not sure what's going on with the picture glitches. Sorry about that.)
Every time Bodie wakes up from a nap, Ty helps me get him up and the first thing he says to Bo, is, "nice to meet you Bodie!" and shakes his hand. It's so sweet!
Lola and Jack chillin' out and watching some cartoons. They are best buddies!
When Tom was training for his half marathon, Jack wanted to run with him. So Tom took him along for a quick jog to the stop sign and back. He was so proud!
This is Ty's favorite playground ride. Can't you just see the excitement in his face! I love it!!! :-)
Jack rocking his Nutella mustache
Bodie is one happy kid, and I love this picture because it looks like he's wearing the horns on the wall. hahah!
Bodie chowing down on some peas. Funny thing...carrots seem to be his favorite and Jack and Ty HATED carrots They fought eating them so much, I gave up trying to make them eat them.
I don't remember the last time I sat on the recliner by myself. hahahah! There's always a tiny hiney squeezing in next to me. :-)
Posted by Niki at 1:05 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Cool points
First I'd like to say happy 6 months to Bodie today!!! I seriously can't believe it's been 6 months! He us such a happy baby! Constantly smiling and talking up a storm. Unless he's hungry. And he doesn't just get hungry, he gets "HANGRY"!! He finally started rolling over consistently Thursday. He's been rolling over everywhere and even sleeping on his belly now. And I think he may be starting to teeth. Although I just assume he's getting a tooth with no actual proof just yet. :-) So happy half birthday Bodie! We love you and your chubby happy cheeks!!

In other McMurtrie happenings.....I think I earned myself some cool points in Jack's eyes this afternoon! Since he didn't nap today (or for 3 other days this past week) we made a catapult out of a box and some rubber bands. I saw it on a website and have been talking about it for a while now. It's pretty cool and actually works! He loves it. I think I'm going to have make another one for Ty. I also consider it a total success because I used a utility knife and didn't cut myself! :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by Niki at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Trick or Treat
We made our rounds begging for candy from strangers last night. Hahaha! I LOVE HALLOWEEN! I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I do! The boys had a good time. Bodie was a billy goat. This has been the first Halloween costume for each of the boys. Jack was supposed to be a pirate, but he saw his spider costume from last year and out went the pirate idea. He also wore the spider costume everyday for the past 2 weeks. Ty was supposed to be Elmo. (the hand me down costume from Jack at age 2) Every time we asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween he told us "Garbage truck man". So I played along and got one of Tom's old reflective vests that he'd wear when riding his motorcycle, to make a little garbage man costume but Ty would never wear it. So for a little while he jumped back on the Elmo band wagon.....until it was time to put on the costume! Hahaha! He freaked and begged for the bat costume that he wore last year. Of course this melt down was after he got to skip his nap and go to the movies for the first time with Tom and Jack. He was pretty sleepy, but was definitely NOT putting on Elmo. :-) After a little chaos we got everyone ready and I headed out the door with the big boys in a wagon and Bodie and Tom stayed at the house on candy duty. The boys lasted about 2 1/2 cul-de-sacs, then I heard, "where's our house?" a few times and that was it. :-) It was a great Halloween!
Bodie the Goat 2011
Ty the Goat 2009
Jack the Goat 2007
Posted by Niki at 12:33 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 31, 2011
Carving time
We carved our pumpkins on Saturday. Jack chose a spider (go figure) and Ty wanted a "happy face". Hahaha! Jack was NOT a fan of de-gutting the pumpkin. He told me at one point, "Mom, I don't think I like this very much, you can do it." Ty on the other hand found the guts hysterical and would dig right in, grab a handful then scream...."eeeewwwwwww" and then laugh like a hyena. I carved Jack's spider but the boys carved Ty's happy face. I think they came out pretty well. I had plans of carving this huge pumpkin we got but the pumpkins were outside and the insides were freezing cold. So we'll let the big one survive as a fall turkey day decoration until we decorate for Christmas! :-) (Scary to think that's only 8 1/2 weeks away.)
Ty and the guts. :-)
Loving the grossness
Jack's face sums up his pumpkin gutting experience.
Ty carving a happy face.
Spectator Bodie
Jack and the Jack-o-Lantern
He was a pro.
Poor Dad, he moonlights as a jungle gym.
The finished products...
Mr. Blue Eyes
Posted by Niki at 5:17 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The Happy Pumpkin Patch
Lesson of the pumpkin patches....stick with what you know. We tried a new pumpkin patch this year and it was SCARY. Not scary in the spooky Halloween kinda way, it was scary in the "let's get the hell outta here" kinda way. hahaha! So to make up for the worst pumpkin patch ever, we went to the one we visited last year, Hinton's. It was exactly the same, and lots of fun, and not one overheard conversation about Xanax. YEAH! Plus they had pumpkin ice cream which was a big hit! Yummm! Here's some pictures from our pumpkin pickin'! :-)
Ty loved pulling that wagon!
Total action shot...
Not only was there a BIG tractor but there were little ones too!
This kid needs a farm!
The BIG one!
One happy pumpkin!
Trying to get a picture with all three of them looking AND smiling at the same time is almost impossible...
Posted by Niki at 5:48 PM 1 comments