First I'd like to say happy 6 months to Bodie today!!! I seriously can't believe it's been 6 months! He us such a happy baby! Constantly smiling and talking up a storm. Unless he's hungry. And he doesn't just get hungry, he gets "HANGRY"!! He finally started rolling over consistently Thursday. He's been rolling over everywhere and even sleeping on his belly now. And I think he may be starting to teeth. Although I just assume he's getting a tooth with no actual proof just yet. :-) So happy half birthday Bodie! We love you and your chubby happy cheeks!!

In other McMurtrie happenings.....I think I earned myself some cool points in Jack's eyes this afternoon! Since he didn't nap today (or for 3 other days this past week) we made a catapult out of a box and some rubber bands. I saw it on a website and have been talking about it for a while now. It's pretty cool and actually works! He loves it. I think I'm going to have make another one for Ty. I also consider it a total success because I used a utility knife and didn't cut myself! :-)

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Hey Jack, will you catapult a marshmallow my way.? My mouth is wide open. What a cute idea! Looks like lots of fun.
Happy 6 months Bodie! You really look like your mom! :)
Love you all,
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