Saturday, June 19, 2010

Up and Movin'

Ty has been trying to walk for about 3 1/2 months now. He would take a step here or there then....splat....on his keester. He's a pro at cruising and climbing. He has mastered using toys to step on to get up on the couches or even Jack's bed. The kiddo is a monster and has NO fear of falling. (just like his brother, and probably every little boy) This past week he's been taking a few more steps and looking a little more sturdy on his chubby feet. This morning he stood up on his own, took 3 steps, stopped and looked around, then took 7 more steps. And that was it. Now he's up and moving every where. He still crawls 50% of the time, but he knows he can walk now. We're so proud of him! I love these HUGE baby milestones and firsts!

Here's a quick video of our most graceful child. hahahah! Excuse the diaper attire but he destroyed his outfit during lunch!


Aunt Lisi said...

Yay for Titus!!! Now the fun begins! Give him a big hug and kiss for us! Love you guys!

Ells said...

Yeah! How fun! I love it that Jack cheers for himself too at the end. :)

Aunt Ree Ree said...

GO TITUS...GO TITUS And now the fun really begins. Two off and running and a house to pack up. Whoo Hooo...let's hear it for Niki and Tom!!! Miss you guys. Love you. Hugs and kisses.

Meagan said...

Yeah Ty! We all knew you could do it!

Beth said...

Go Titus! I love how he tries to go while Tom is still holding him, so wobbly, so SO sweet!