Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oh How We LOVE Elmo!!!

Jack's obsession with Elmo began a little before he turned 1 year old. He'll be 2 on August 14th. This math means Tom and I have endured a solid year of Elmo. We started off with the little stuffed Elmo, the talking Elmo chair (which no longer has batteries) and the occasional Elmo's World DVD. That gradually turned into a collection not because Jack wanted more but because Tom and I got sick of watching the SAME Elmo's World clip over and over and over and over. We needed the variety. So much so that our TV show recordings are not full of drama shows or cool Discovery Channel shows or Wipeout episodes, it's full of Sesame Street. We tried turning him on to other cartoons with no luck. Where I'm going with this is....use your children's obsessions to your advantage. Advice to live by people!! Hahahah

The last time Tom's mom was here Jack started to throw a fit when we put him to sleep, at nap or at night. The crazy thing is we'd go through the routine of drink, 3 books, then bedtime. As we'd leave the room he'd rush after us trying to squeeze through the door like his room was on fire. The weirdest part was that after he cried/screamed/howled for 2 minutes, he'd climb back up in bed and go to sleep. That was it. We thought is was change from Boobie going back to PA. We tried everything. Well, almost everything.... While Boobie was back in town she gave Jack $10.00 from Tom's grandmother. Jack picked out a new Elmo movie (no surprise there). He picked "Bedtime with Elmo". Elmo goes through all the issues with going to bed. He watched it once with Boobie, and hasn't cried going to bed since! I LOVE ELMO!!! That little annoying fur ball really works like magic. We tell Jack, "It's time to go to sleep like Elmo, say goodnight to the moon." and off to a peaceful dreamland he goes. It's amazing. Two straight months of freaking out at bed time and all it took was an Elmo movie! I should write Kevin Clash (the man behind Elmo) a BIG Thank you note! I should also write Fisher Price a thank you for the baby swing! That thing was genius!! What would I do with out it??? Jack loved it and Ty loves it too, but not as much as Tom and I! Hahahahah How did our parents survive without all these things? :-)

Here are some pictures...Ty's starting to smile, coo, and follow our voices. Jack gets a kick out of it!


Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures! Obsessions are funny that way. Megan has two books - Princess Baby and the nighttime version - I read those things at least 10 times a day each. Anytime she hears baby, she runs off to get her books. Ty is adorable! Where are the pics of you with your boys?!?

Ells said...

Hooray for Elmo! The kids are so cute, Niki.