Monday, October 31, 2011

Carving time

We carved our pumpkins on Saturday. Jack chose a spider (go figure) and Ty wanted a "happy face". Hahaha! Jack was NOT a fan of de-gutting the pumpkin. He told me at one point, "Mom, I don't think I like this very much, you can do it." Ty on the other hand found the guts hysterical and would dig right in, grab a handful then scream...."eeeewwwwwww" and then laugh like a hyena. I carved Jack's spider but the boys carved Ty's happy face. I think they came out pretty well. I had plans of carving this huge pumpkin we got but the pumpkins were outside and the insides were freezing cold. So we'll let the big one survive as a fall turkey day decoration until we decorate for Christmas! :-) (Scary to think that's only 8 1/2 weeks away.)

Ty and the guts. :-)

Loving the grossness

Jack's face sums up his pumpkin gutting experience.

Ty carving a happy face.


Spectator Bodie

Jack and the Jack-o-Lantern

He was a pro.

Poor Dad, he moonlights as a jungle gym.

The finished products...

Mr. Blue Eyes

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Happy Pumpkin Patch

Lesson of the pumpkin patches....stick with what you know. We tried a new pumpkin patch this year and it was SCARY. Not scary in the spooky Halloween kinda way, it was scary in the "let's get the hell outta here" kinda way. hahaha! So to make up for the worst pumpkin patch ever, we went to the one we visited last year, Hinton's. It was exactly the same, and lots of fun, and not one overheard conversation about Xanax. YEAH! Plus they had pumpkin ice cream which was a big hit! Yummm! Here's some pictures from our pumpkin pickin'! :-)

Ty loved pulling that wagon!

Total action shot...

Not only was there a BIG tractor but there were little ones too!

This kid needs a farm!

The BIG one!

One happy pumpkin!

Trying to get a picture with all three of them looking AND smiling at the same time is almost impossible...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who Needs Waves?

A few days ago, when the weather was warmer than 46 degrees, I saw Jack doing this.....

He told me he was surfing. He was actually getting the horse swing to glide back and forth too. I was pretty impressed. I'm actually surprised it took this long for him to stand on that thing! :-)
(And a little side note: If you click on one of the pictures that I post Blogger will now open all the pictures in a slideshow format. You can click through the pictures and see them up close. I just figured this out, who knows how long you've been able to do that. hahaha!)

Monday, October 17, 2011

For the Birds

The other day we made little bird feeders for our feathered friends. Peanut Butter was involved so Ty was very willing to participate. :-) The boys got to smear their own peanut butter on a good ol' TP roll. Jack loves using a knife (even if it's the little kiddie one) Ty ate most of his PB before it got to the roll. Then they rolled it in seeds and we stuck the rolls on a few branches of our pear tree in the front yard.

I love this picture because of Ty's little evil minion face! Hahahah!

Since Bodie wasn't game for the bird feeder craft here's a few pictures of him NOT rolling over. Hahaha! This kiddo rolled over once for Tom about 4 weeks ago, I saw him roll once 2 weeks ago and he hasn't done it again since. I don't think he likes the pressure since all we do is cheer him on to roll over. Hahaha! He teeter totters from side to side on his back constantly but just won't go the whole way. He's already 5 months and VERY stubborn! Or lazy, hard to tell! :-) He's actually grown quite fond of being on his stomach too. He doesn't roll from belly to back either but he's pretty darn close to crawling. He gets his legs under him and scoots forward all over the place. So, on his own time I guess, or we'll just skip rolling all together. He did it twice, why over do it? He's a pretty chill baby so I guess he'll do it when he wants to do it! I wonder who he takes after??? :-)

All the way up on his side....

Ty was showing him how to roll over! hahah!

And back to the favorite position.....just relaxing horizontally.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Reject Pumpkin Patch

Today we ventured out to a pumpkin patch. Last year we went to Hinton's Farm (about 45 mins away) This year we opted for a place that I found through Google that was a little closer. This place was such a bummer. It was advertised as having a petting zoo, farm animals, bouncy houses, hay rides, and a maze. This was FALSE advertising at it's best. Hahahahah!
This was NOT a farm, this was someone's house. We parked in their drive way and walked around on their lawn. There weren't farm animals, there were a few miniature horses and 1 donkey. There was no petting zoo, no hay rides, no pumpkin patch. There were picked pumpkins piled on pallets. There was a small bouncy house which was the highlight of our trip. We were there 20 minutes tops.
What rounded out this trip for me were 2 things. #1: the lady running everything was very scary and was walking around, talking pretty loudly on her cell phone to a person (for what I could make out, just got arrested) saying, "we don't give out Xanax." I must have heard "Xanax" about 18 times. There was a sheriff's car parked in the driveway as well so I'm not sure if he lived there or was there on business. hahahaha! #2: I bought a few pumpkins and when I went in to their little shed to pay the other scary lady, I noticed they were selling MEAT. Not just regular cuts of meat you'd find in a cooler.....oh NO!!!! This was sliced meat in a ziploc baggie, sitting on an upside down tupperware bin, with a $0.50 sticker on it. This was not jerky. This looked like some kind of bacon product. It was raw and NOT refrigerated. I was trying very hard not to judge, but this place was screaming for it! This was not the pumpkin patch experience I was looking for! Sooooooo we're heading to Hinton's next weekend to make up for it with some clean, farm fun, including hay rides, a corn maze, pumpkin pickin', no drug talk, no mystery meats, just normal pumpkin fun ! :-)

I wonder if they counted this as a farm animal and the petting zoo??? Sadly, this is the only picture I took.