Thursday, March 19, 2009


So life has been so insane here lately I just wanted to send out an apology. There's about 40 e-mails that I haven't returned, I haven't blogged, I have been trying to call my grandparents and aunts for over 2 weeks now, I didn't even get to call my brother on his birthday. :-( I'd like to blame the time change but in all honesty I have no excuse other than when I have a second to stop and think that second is then followed by rushing around to do the everyday stuff that's been neglected on top of my family and friends. Now I know no one likes a whiny blog. You'd all much rather see pictures of Jack or hear about sunny Ca. But I just need to put it out there, it's cheaper than going to a therapist, right?
We had this huge inspection at work and basically the shit hit the fan. There were some MAJOR findings and now we're all scrambling to fix all these issues before we have to answer to the COL next week. Last week most of my co-workers and myself, have put in 12 hour days. The crazy part is that I inherited these problems. These things were broken well before I came on board but now it's under me. I'm feeling truly stressed for the first time in a LONG time. I'm beginning to think that my pay check really isn't worth all of this. Did I mention that I'm 10 weeks away from having our 2nd little boy, which I not prepared for in any way, and Jack is currently on another round of anti-biotics for another ear infection and my doctor WOULD NOT give me a referral to the Ear, Nose and Throat Dr??? I'm just trying to get through the next 10 weeks, have this baby and go on leave so I can feel the normal craziness of having 2 kids and a husband. Tom has been so great to me putting up with everything that's going on. I feel so guilty because he's now in the last 2 weeks of his semester and has 3 projects and a few papers due. I'm ready for that AH moment where everything just calms down and you can catch you breath and look back and say..."Wow that was a shitty month!"
So please forgive me for being "off the grid" and I'll be in touch soon! I promise!! I miss you all!


Sara said...

We miss you too. And we love you, no matter what!
Lil and I are sending positive energy your way.

Ells said...

Sounds crazy.... we hope it calms down for you, and that you're able to get all the work issues fixed, and that you will have lots of sweet quiet moments with both of your boys to make up for it!

Anonymous said...

That's why we're army wives, we're made to get through all the shit and eventually have a glass of wine or more and laugh about it all. Soon you'll be in a new type of craziness and love every moment of it! Hope you're feeling well toward the end of your pregnancy - can't wait to see the new little one!

Meagan said...

Awww Niki that is too much. I am sorry that work it making you nuts. I wish you could come over, we could sit on the couch, knit, each cupcakes and be happy being fat and pregnant. If you need an excuse to leave your job I will be happy to write one for you...but if you just need a friend to say hang in there I can do that to (only it is easy to hang in there if you have cupcake in your hand).

Hope the doctor reconsiders sending Jack to a specialist...nothing worse than a sick baby.

Miss you!