Sunday, March 29, 2009

Introducing Bruno

Well, we'd like you all to meet Bruno. The latest McMurtrie addition.

We have been wanting a 2nd dog pretty much since we got Sadie. Tom's friend Troy just adopted a dog from the Monterey County SPCA last week and that sparked our interest again. Tom was off on Friday since it was his week of finals so he kept Jack home and they had an SPCA field trip. Jack loved looking at all the dogs. There were 2 Dalmatian puppies from a liter of 4 and a few mixes that were all possibilities. Tom fell in love with a German Shepherd named "Theo" (now known as Bruno). He was absolutely gorgeous! In order to adopt they make you bring the whole family (including other pets) before they let you have your animal. So Saturday morning after I spent 2 hours at work....we, Sadie included, ventured out to the SPCA. As we walked in the last Dalmatian puppy was being adopted. We went right for Theo. He is the sweetest dog. He totally took to Tom. We took him for a long walk and played. He has a great temperament! He was awesome with Jack and even pretty good on the leash. They did a meet and greet with him and Sadie in a play area. They could have cared less about each other. They sniffed each other but never showed aggression and even off their leashes they were great. So they passed that test. He really seems like a great dog.
The SPCA knows nothing about Bruno. He was found in a mall parking lot last week. They're guessing that he's about 2 yrs old. We actually think he's younger, his teeth are perfectly white. He's about 80 pounds and very strong. We decided that we definitely wanted to bring him home. The catch was since he was a stray they have to hold him for 5 days so the owner has a chance to claim him. Today was the 5th day. We called this morning, no one claimed him so we went and signed all the papers, he's ours. He gets neutered tomorrow then we can pick him up.
I can't believe how inexpensive it was to adopt him either. All of his vet bills (neutering, shots, and microchip) are included in his adoption fee. It didn't seem right so we made a donation too. Seeing all these dogs and cats with the saddest eyes ever was so heart breaking. We felt like big losers for not going out there sooner and volunteering to walk the dogs, take bags of food or to drop off old blankets. While we were there we saw 2 dogs get dropped off. One by an owner and another by 2 kids that found a dog at a busy intersection wondering in the street. I wish we could bring more home. I know you all think we're crazy for getting a 2nd dog 9 weeks out from having a 2nd baby but it feels so good to have rescued Bruno! We can't wait to bring him home!!!!

Here's a few pictures of Jack's long haired mohawk from bath time the other night. The boy needs a haircut, but it was cute! :-)


Sara said...

Wait, I'm confused... What happened to Theo?

Beth said...

Yup. I think you're crazy for getting a second dog so close to getting a second kid, but I think it's awesome that you adopted him and will be giving him such a great home.

Welcome Bruno!

Meagan said...

Yeah for a second dog, and a really handsome one at that!

Oma said...

Bruno is one lucky pup! I still think you are a bit crazy with the timing but...Welcome home Bruno!!!!
Can't wait to meet Bruno and Baby #2 in June!

What's the baby's name? Hint???

Ells said...

He's a handsome dog, and your 'boys' look so happy with him!

JStar said...

Jack is so cute! And congrats on doggie #2! This is Joni, by the way, Beth's friend who is moving go Monterey in June! You emailed me a long time ago, and me being the dork that I am, i don't think I responded. Sorry! But anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting you in a few months! Good luck with baby #2, we just had our second one in January. Now we have two girls, and Beth told me you are having another boy. Awesome! Ok, talk to you later!