Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Here I sit fighting a crappy head cold/sinus infection. I actually called off of work today. I just couldn't tolerate the pressure in my head. Of course I'm 21 weeks pregnant and there's always big "no-no's" when it comes to taking medicine. I'm all about sticking it out and not taking anything. Honestly, it just makes me nervous. But I was hurting today. The German doctor who delivered Jack said the only thing that was OK to take was tylenol. If I was ever sick I had to call him first and go in and see him. This morning I called my doctor expecting to have to go into his office instead I got a huge list of over the counter medications that the nurse said were ok. I explained my symptoms and she still stuck me with the list. No consult from the doctor, no appointment needed, just the OK to self medicate. There's a HUGE difference between my German doctor and my American doctor. I have to say, I miss my German doctor. Dr. Keith (Am. Dr.) is so rushed and has no time for any questions. It's weird! Plus I miss all the ultrasounds. Speaking of which....I have my ultrasound appointment on Friday! We're going to find out the sex of the baby. YEAH!!! We're soooo anxious! I'm so excited. Tom will be going with me. I'm pulling for a boy, I guess we'll see. :-)
How could I blog without pictures of Jack???? This is from breakfast this weekend. He loves his dad's scrambled eggs. Of course we put ketchup on our eggs. Jack was wearing his ketchup with pride, that's what's on his eye. He's also getting really good with using utensils. And there's always fun in playing with the recyclables (milk jug). :-)


Meagan said...

I understand what you mean. When I went to the doctor I told them that my sinuses were bothering me and they gave me a print out of huge list of medicines deemed acceptable during pregnancy. I was shocked. I ended up going to my chiropractor and he is helped me a lot with my sinuses.

Ells said...

Aw, sorry you're not feeling well! And I think I would be anxious too, especially after how natural the German approach is.

Have you considered something like a saline nasal wash? I don't have much sinus experience, but that would be very gentle (albeit gross). There's something online called a Neti Pot and it advertises itself as a 'nose bidet' - which is hilarious all by itself, but it does have some devoted users, I've noticed.

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I swear by the neti pot - love it and it works so well! Just don't do it right before you sleep because the water needs a bit of time to run all out.

My Doc did the same thing and I was plagued with being sick with Megan. Had to take antibiotics for ear infections, other infections, sinus infections - tylenol cold was what I used most and everything was fine:) Can't wait to hear the sex!!