"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe
Posted by Niki at 10:07 AM 5 comments
Here I sit fighting a crappy head cold/sinus infection. I actually called off of work today. I just couldn't tolerate the pressure in my head. Of course I'm 21 weeks pregnant and there's always big "no-no's" when it comes to taking medicine. I'm all about sticking it out and not taking anything. Honestly, it just makes me nervous. But I was hurting today. The German doctor who delivered Jack said the only thing that was OK to take was tylenol. If I was ever sick I had to call him first and go in and see him. This morning I called my doctor expecting to have to go into his office instead I got a huge list of over the counter medications that the nurse said were ok. I explained my symptoms and she still stuck me with the list. No consult from the doctor, no appointment needed, just the OK to self medicate. There's a HUGE difference between my German doctor and my American doctor. I have to say, I miss my German doctor. Dr. Keith (Am. Dr.) is so rushed and has no time for any questions. It's weird! Plus I miss all the ultrasounds. Speaking of which....I have my ultrasound appointment on Friday! We're going to find out the sex of the baby. YEAH!!! We're soooo anxious! I'm so excited. Tom will be going with me. I'm pulling for a boy, I guess we'll see. :-)
How could I blog without pictures of Jack???? This is from breakfast this weekend. He loves his dad's scrambled eggs. Of course we put ketchup on our eggs. Jack was wearing his ketchup with pride, that's what's on his eye. He's also getting really good with using utensils. And there's always fun in playing with the recyclables (milk jug). :-)
Posted by Niki at 8:01 PM 3 comments
Many moons ago my mom bought Jack a Penn State baseball hat. We could NEVER get him to put it on. Never! Another thing...PSU did not preform to their best ability in the Rose bowl this year and being that they lost to a CA team it's a little hard to wear their gear in public out here. But who could ever heckle Jack in a hat??? The other day Tom put on a hat. Jack went right over to the coat hooks and pointed to his hat. He wore that thing for hours, even in the car. It's still a little big, hence the ears sticking out (no comment) heheheh! But I thought I'd share....here's Jack in a hat wanting so much to be like his dad.
Posted by Niki at 7:02 AM 4 comments
This is a collection of pictures of Jack from New Years. We'll start with the pictures of Jack getting naked. He's been getting close to dressing himself in the mornings. He's randomly taken off pants during nap time or even at day care. What can I say? He gets that from his father...hahahah. This particular morning we found Jack wearing no jammies. He was quite proud of himself for stripping down. (I can't believe the diaper was still on.) Then he just got silly and started posing. Who knows where he gets that from!
Next we have pictures from a New Year's Eve party we attended. It was hosted by one of Tom's fellow classmates. It was an "East Coast" party (celebrated at 9pm), totally family oriented. It was fun for Jack, he had a great time running around and playing with the big kids. I really haven't connected with anyone out here yet, other than our neighbor, Laurie, and a few people at work. It's not the same as Schweinfurt! I miss my girls and knitting group in the worst way! But back to the party....All the parents sat and played pictionary while all of their children ran crazy. I really didn't care about that, it was a party after all, but if you see a kid throwing all of the marbles from Hungry, Hungry Hippo at other kids and not do anything about it....that I'm not OK with. It's was weird. We didn't make it until 9pm. That was way past Jack's bed time and I was sick of watching a bunch of kids hurt each other and nothing being done to stop them. I wasn't about to correct other people's children. There's always a fine line with that. So we had fun, Jack had a blast and we headed home around 8:30. You'd think we'd stay up for New Year's...we didn't. We tried but we only lasted until 11pm. :-)
In the pictures you'll notice a red crayon in Jack's hand in EVERY picture. He didn't put that down the whole 2 1/2 hours we were there. Quirky!
Hope everyone started 2009 off well! We miss you all!
Posted by Niki at 8:22 PM 3 comments
Our poor puppers has had a rough week.
About 2 years ago Sadie tore her CCL (similar to the human ACL) in her right knee. We had emergency surgery with a German orthopedic vet. We, of course, lived on the 2nd floor and I was 5 months pregnant with Jack. Which posed a problem. We used a towel under her hips to get her up and down the stairs and it was about a 5 month recovery period until she was allowed to go on long walks and run again. We knew that it's common for the other knee to give out with-in 2 years of the first instance. Well, sure enough....
The day after Christmas we were all out in the back yard playing. Jack was running laps around the yard and we were playing catch with Sadie. All of a sudden we heard a yelp and that was it. Sadie wasn't using her left leg. Tom and I both knew exactly what happened. The sad part is, I caught it on video. I was filming Jack doing monkey laps and laughing and Sadie was in the background. I feel so bad for her. She's only 3 and has had 2 major knee surgeries. Her whole young life is being spent recovering and being confined. It's just so sad.
We found an amazing vet in Monterey that does ortho surgeries. They did some x-rays and gave us interesting results. Apparently Sadie has something genetically wrong with the shape of her femurs. So tearing her CCLs wasn't just wear and tear. Due to the shape her bones were grinding through her ligaments. It was just bound to happen. So she had surgery on Wednesday. They kept her over night and we picked her up Thursday. Everything went really well. There were no surprises, it was a fully torn CCL. She's now spending her days tucked in the corner of our living room wearing her cone. We take her back to the doctor in 2 weeks. I hope she's feeling better soon. It's horrible to see a Golden Retriever with those sad eyes and a bare back end. :-(
Posted by Niki at 8:21 PM 6 comments
There's this amazing place in downtown Monterey called "My Museum". It's a kiddo's dream. It's an educational Chucky Cheese if you will. You walk in and let the kid's go wild. There's a boat and a slide on a water bed. There's a golf course with tunnels underneath and a gopher-pee-a-boo hole. There's a tree house, a hospital, a construction site, and a full size theater with costumes and a camera. It was so much fun! Jack had such a great time! We went the week before Christmas when Tom's mom, Sandy, was here. We'll definitely be going back there soon! It was almost as much fun for Tom and I as it was for Jack. Good times!
Posted by Niki at 9:08 PM 2 comments