Friday, December 21, 2007

Thunder Thighs!

Jack had his 4 month well baby check up today. He's in the 50th percentile for everything. He weighs 15 pounds and is 24.5 inches long. He flirted with Dr. Garde the whole appointment until she checked out his ears. He was not a fan of that! He's right on track for a 4 month old. Then we got 3 shots. He's really good about getting his shots. He screams for a minute then he's done when you pick him up. He's a tough little guy. The nurse who gave him his shots was really nice. She said he was a good size for a 4 month old, I said, "Yep, he's our little porker" That's what I call him, he's a good eater. She then told me, "he's not a real chubby baby but he does have some THUNDER THIGHS". I told her it was all muscle. :-) hehehehe. Poor Jack he's got the thunder thighs. I couldn't even argue with her, she was speaking the truth. He has to have good thighs though for when he's playing baseball and catching like his daddy.

We've been working on our cereal eating skills as well this week. Since his hands flail about as though they're independent from his body ("Friends" reference) it's a very entertaining meal. Next time we're going to try some duct tape. Just kidding. He eats the rice with no problem now. I actually think he likes it, even though it has the taste of wet paper. He even leans in for more when he sees the spoon heading his way. He really likes to help guide the spoon into his mouth. As you can see in the pictures. If anything is within reach of him, it's getting grabbed, no hesitation. :-) In two more months we get to try the green and orange veggies. Isn't that appetizing??

Well, I'm off to make my Christmas cookies....


Anonymous said...

He does not have thunder thighs...he just has small shoulders which make his bottom appear larger! I can not believe he is already eating cereal. He is growing up so fast.