Today is Jack's first day of Kindergarten. I can't even believe he's in school right now. :-)
He's been so excited about going to school and meeting friends, having recess, packing his lunch, and of course riding the bus. This morning we woke up at 6 to be ready for the bus at 6:40. While we were getting ready we got to Skype with Tom and it felt like he was here! It was great! We packed his lunch, had breakfast, took a few pictures and made our way to the bus stop. The bus was running a little late which was no surprise so we got to hang out for a while. When the bus came, he went right on. He was cool, calm and relaxed which helped me! I got a little choked up but fought the water works! I hope he's having an amazing day and I can't wait to hear all about his new adventure! My baby's not a baby any more!! Jack...your dad and I are so proud of you!! You can do anything! Love you kiddo!

Ty's going to miss Jack in the worst way!

Waiting for the bus.

Being silly!

This one's for Tom....his infamous photo face! Ly!

And there he goes.....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
WOW\\\\WOW AGAIN\\\\\ your first day of school, your first bus ride meeting all your new friends --this has to be one of the best days o your life. hope all your days are just as much fun. may this be a learning experience that never ends. love Great Grammy Spotts
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