Today I got to spend the day with my amazing friends at Knoebels! Jack and Ty were off with Tom's parents at The Great Wolf Lodge. So Bo and I met Karen, Christy and Carisa, plus their kiddos and Nana Free at the park. I love Knoebels. This place is an old school, home town, mom and pop kind of amusement park. It's nestled in the mountains, it's a camp site and picnic grove, totally affordable and so much fun!!! The parking is even free! You can bring all your own food if you want to grill and you can pay per ride. There's no admission price, it's all per ride or you can get an all day arm band. I think that's cool that you have the option. Bo and I only spent $8 on rides and we had lots of fun! :-)
Anyway, the most important part was that I got to hang out with my girls, see their kids and have lots of laughs! It's amazing to me that we live hundreds of miles away but we can all get together once or twice a year and it's effortless to pick right back up where we left off! Ladies, you're awesome and I cherish our friendship! I miss you guys terribly! Thanks for the great day!!

Me and Little Miss Avery! She's so adorable, almost makes me want a little girl! :-) Almost! Don't anyone get excited!

Bo was a great driver!! :-)

I love that you can only see the very top of bo's head.

Rising on the trian. We got to see a deer eating corn in the woods. Pretty cool.
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