Jack and Ty are becoming quite good friends. I love watching them play together and actually get along. Most of the time they even share and take turns with toys! (hope I'm not jinxing anything)
Jack has assumed the big brother roll and is trying to teach Ty everything he knows. Ty's a little lacking with his speech so about 100 times a day you can hear Jack say...."Ty can you say"...."Pickles", "drink", "pizza", "garbage truck", etc. The hilarious part is that Ty says everything Jack tells him to. If Tom and I try to get Ty to say something, we have no such luck and usually end up asking Jack for his assistance. Hahaha! Crazy, right? They are pretty inseparable and I love it! I hope that it stays that way for a very long time!
The other night we got to witness a sweet brother moment. Every night when Tom and I go to bed we sneak in and check on the boys. (We have them sharing the bonus room as their bedroom so we can have a guest room and a nursery.) Jack's usually hanging off his bed half way and we like to make sure Ty's still wearing his diaper. Hahaha! But the other night we found Jack camped out on the floor right next to Ty. We put him back in bed and called it a night.

Then 2 nights later we found him that way again. This time with his blanket and all of his animals. He looked too comfy to move so we just let him go. How sweet?

We're really not sure why he's been sleeping there. When we ask we get the response; "because I wanted to". So that's that! Frick and Frack, total buddies!