Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jack's 3rd Birthday

Jack turned 3 years old yesterday. He's getting so big and doesn't stop talking ALL. DAY. LONG. Hahahhah! It's hard for me to come to terms with the fact that we have a 3 yr old. That means I'm not getting any younger. :-)
Jack started his birthday with his Buzz birthday balloon.

After a breakfast of his favorite, Dad prepared, scrambled eggs with ham and cheese and a Jack special jelly burger (AKA an English muffin with jelly smushed together and eaten like a burger) we opened presents. Jack is very lucky to have so many people that thought of him on his birthday! He got his own piece of luggage, a new basket ball hoop, stompin' rockets from Ashby, Toy Story comforters and sheets for his new bunk bed, and lots of other fun stuff!!! Thank you everyone!!!

Aunt Lisi, Uncle Rick, Lexie and Ricky gave Jack a birthday plate that is now a new tradition in our house. Very cool! (He's holding the packing peanuts...they were just as exciting as the plate!)

Thanks to Boobie and Umpa for the Iron Man mask, it's a big hit for all ages!

After lunch we had cake. Jack wanted 2 cakes a cement mixer cake and a cake with "everyone from Toy Story all over it". I combined his 2 ideas. With my very amateur cake decorating skills it took me 6 hours. this is WAY longer than I thought it would take me. I still had fun and got lots of help from Tom (his engineering degree came in handy). My goal was to have something that at least resembled a cement mixer. I also made cupcakes for us to eat, they were easy to make! :-)

Happy Birthday Jack!!! We love you!!


Aunt Ree Ree & family said...

WOW!!! What an awesome cake Nik! (it's no where close to being a candidate for Cake Wrecks!! ha ha) You did a great job and I soooo wish we could have been part of Jack's celebration. Soon, very soon. We love you guys. Happy Birthday Jack! (and Ty is looking sooo grown up also!)

Meagan said...
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Meagan said...

Holy Cakeness. That is some cake. Seriously amazing cake! But I do have one question for dogs love Iron Masks too? You should so find out!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday Jack! It looks like you had a wonderful time. :)

Niki, that cake is amazing. I am seriously impressed. How did you do it?

Tom, you are remarkably good at being in pictures without letting us see youre face (I'm referring to the Chuck E Cheese pics here - except for the last two, I think?).

Beth said...

I forgot Ty!

Ty, you are just a ball of cuteness!