Sunday, May 9, 2010


We eat A LOT of fruit in this house. Our favorite is the good ol' strawberry. We can polish off a 4lb box in a few days. Everyone eats them, including Sadie and Lola. With our love of this fruit, I thought...why not try to grow our own and have a project for Jack. Let me say....I do not have a green thumb by any means. Plants and I cannot live in harmony together. I didn't have much hope for these when they were planted. (Especially since we planted them before we went to PA for 6 weeks and they were left in the care of Tom) However, We are in CA where, the rumor is, you can grow anything here. Believe it or not, we're actually growing our own strawberries. Jack loves that we have strawberry plants. Who ever comes to the house has to look as his prized fruit. Every morning we go outside to check on them and give them some TLC and water. We planted 2 plants in February, and in keeping with my gardening skills, only 1 plant is producing fruit. Hahahah. But the one that is, is actually pretty impressive! Who knew, we could grow our own fruit! My next attempt will be corn. HAHAHAHAH!!!


Meagan said... it! Ashby had his first strawberry today and he thought it was great. Keep it up little Miss Greenthumb.

Anonymous said...

We just planted our garden here at the community garden! It was so fun - much different planting in El Paso where it is 90 degrees by 9am! We'll have to try strawberries - Wes loves them.