Thursday, December 3, 2009

Six Months

Ty turned 6 months old yesterday! I can't believe how big my little baby is getting! He's been doing so great over the past few weeks. His personality is really coming out lately. He has a few favorite things and few things he hates. He hates green beans, his dad's mustache (not the only one in the house...ahahaha), peek-a-boo, and getting his nails cut. His favorite things right now are food, his red lobster toy, dropping his lobster toy, food, fake crying, chewing on the star teether, food, rolling around, trying to crawl, food, laughing at Jack, and more food. I can't believe I don't have a video of this but you should see him when he gets his eyes on his veggies or his bottle (he's totally on formula now :-( Bummed!) His legs start kicking, and his hands are grabbing for it, it's crazy. He's worse than the dogs too with knowing what time he eats. He'll start the fake crying if he had no food in his mouth by 12:15 or 6pm. That kid is all about routine. Hahahah. He's doing really good though, he's rolling all over the place and is starting to pull his legs under him. I'm not sure if I'm ready for him to crawl just yet. We have a good little thing going with only 1 kiddo being mobile. But it happens when it happens, right?

Here's a few pictures of our butterball. (P.S. Christmas came early for me this year....Tom got me a new digital SLR camera so there will be MANY many many more pictures to come!....and only 2 weeks to PA... YEAH!!)

Happy 6 months Ty!!!

Give me that Lobster!!!!!

Got him!!!


Ells said...

Tom and Niki you have such gorgeous children! I just love Ty's round head and round eyes and big round smile!

Aunt Ree Ree said...

Picture number two looks like his mommy when she was little, I think. He's a doll...Two weeks...two weeks. YAHOO

Meagan said...

First off...YEAH your blog is updating itself again!

Ty is such a cutie. I swear I could bite him (well not really...maybe...ok no). I love that his favorite thing is food. I understand the glee of joy look you are talking about. I am still nursing and supplementing with a bottle but when Ash sees the bottle he goes nuts. I have to hide it or he will not nurse...he will bottle watch.

Miss you!

Oma said...

There is no denying whose baby Ty is! Wow, he is his Mommy's boy! We get to pinch those chubby cheeks in less than 2 weeks! YAHOO!

DiCello Family said...

I love Ty's smile, he's so jolly! : ) gosh, i can't believe he's 6 months already. that flew by!