Sunday, January 27, 2008

Going Green

As you can see Jack had his first taste of yummy peas yesterday. If you can call them yummy? I don't do peas but Jack didn't seem to mind them. He didn't LOVE them but he didn't hate them either. The first few bites were followed with a little head shake and a yucky face but that was followed by him leaning in for more. Today he ate the whole little container like a champ. He's a great eater! For some reason though he is now protesting Tom feeding him a bottle. We have no idea why this is starting but he's becoming a mama's boy at night. (this is not good for mama!) Tom can feed him rice and peas, no problem but he will not take the bottle without throwing a fit. So that's something fun we get to work on this week. He's such a little goof ball. He now loves to hear us clap. He gets really excited and laughs at us when we yawn too. His laugh is contagious, it's the greatest sound!


Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! Not much longer and you'll all be back stateside! Maybe by then we'll have some baby news to tell you about. Good luck traveling - I know it will go great.

Unknown said...

Those things look so gross. But, he looks good wearing them!

Anonymous said...

What a little piggy (but a cute little piggy). At least he did not sneeze while eating his peas!