Thursday, February 16, 2012
Bodie Boy
Bodie has been growing like crazy and learning all kinds of new tricks. He's 9 1/2 months now and is going to be total trouble when he starts walking. Right now he crawls over everything, dogs and brothers included. There's nothing he thinks he can't do which means we re-baby proofed the house. The other day in less than 15 seconds he was up 3 steps. Baby gates are back up to say the least! He' starting to cruise too, no fear. Bodie's also doing "so big" and playing peek a boo. I love how he plays peek a boo, there's always one eye uncovered or his hands are just across his forehead. It's so funny! And my favorite trick he's doing now, waving hi and bye. He does it with such pride, and to just get attention.
As far as the growing stats he's living up to his eating habits. He's 22.5 pounds which puts him in the 71st percentile for weight, and 29.5 inches which makes him our longest 9 month old in the 84th percentile for height. His appetite is huge and he definitely prefers to feed himself! He has 5 teeth with #6 almost through. Bananas are a favorite along with yogurt bites and Num Num crackers.
Bodie's favorite things seem to be riding on Tom's shoulders, playing in the dog's water, "wrestling" with his brothers, dumping out the dog toys, flinging the springy door stoppers, bath time and grunting and growling. The noises that come out of him are hilarious! He's a totally happy baby with a temper when he's "hangry"! He gets that from the Davis side. :-)
Here's Bodie in action....
Up the steps we go...
Hey Mom, you seein' this?? |
I love the scrunchie face |
Mr. Giggles |
Peek A Boo |
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Posted by Niki at 10:19 AM 1 comments